“… community building lie[s] at the heart of a broad scheme for social transformation.”
—The Universal House of Justice
Over the past decade, Bahá’í community-building efforts have unfolded in smaller geographic areas like neighborhoods and villages. This process has been very similar to the organic processes that take place in nature. Indeed, creating something new in social reality is, like the growth of a tree, an organic process that begins by planting a seed in fertile soil.
The process begins with a group of people inspired by a hopeful vision of change who take action together within the context of a neighborhood or village. The initial steps they take are not random or haphazard but rather unfold within a framework defined by the growing experience of the worldwide Bahá’í community. The various elements that cohere to advance this process include classes for the spiritual education of children; groups of junior youth who, together with an older youth, support one another, study together, and carry out acts of service; the opening of homes and community centers for collective prayer and discussions about the progress of a neighborhood or village; regular visits by neighbors to meet with one another and strengthen bonds of friendship; educational programs for youth and adults in which they reflect on the spiritual dimension of life and prepare themselves for a life of service; and in some places, initiatives that seek to enhance the social and material well-being of a population. Whatever the form and arrangement of activities, however, the process of community building is a process of transformation in which a population takes ownership of its own spiritual and social development.

Community Building Activities
Join us in forging a new model of community life where spiritual conversation and service to others go hand-in-hand. Each of our core community building activities aims to foster inner transformation and create wider circles of inclusion. Together, neighbors cultivate a sense of collective ownership for the spiritual, social, and economic well-being of their community.
Prayer Gatherings
bring friends, families, and neighbors together in a spirit of worship—feeding the soul through prayer, song, and contemplation. Drawing strength from the cultural character of each community, they inspire meaningful connections in an informal setting.
Children’s Classes
allow a community’s youngest members to practice their God-given qualities, such as kindness, generosity, patience, and compassion. Parents, teens, and young adults teach these classes and create an environment where children feel they belong to the community and share in its purpose.
Junior Youth Groups
tap into young people’s acute sense of justice, growing awareness, and increased interest in profound questions. Through storytelling, discussion, recreation, arts, and service projects, participants form healthy and productive patterns of behavior. They build discernment and decision-making skills, and learn to address the needs of their communities.
Ruhi Study Circles
connect study of Bahá’í Sacred Texts to acts of service. Topics include: the spiritual nature of life, the basic features and history of the Baha’i Faith, how to build unified communities, and how to teach children and mentor youth. In their study circles, neighbors share insights with one another and design service projects relevant to their communities.

What is happening in my neighborhood?
Community Calendar
All are welcome to attend our community building activities, which are help via Zoom in an effort to protect the most vulnerable among us in light of current circumstances. Click on an event to learn more.