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Race Unity Devotional

In the Bahá’í Writings, Black people have been likened to the pupil of the eye, the point at which light enters and sight is made possible. How long has the world been blinding itself by failing to understand how powerful, integral, and vitally important Blackness is to the health, happiness, and stability of the Earth?

Far from pretending that we don’t see the differences between the light-skinned and dark-skinned peoples of the earth, that deep, rich darkness—singled out as critical for the spiritual and material progress of the world’s population by Baha’u’llah, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi—should be honored, praised, and glorified.

This devotional will be a celebration of the beauty, nobility, and unimaginable value of Black culture, Black intellect, Black art, and Black people—and a reminder that when we look upon Blackness, whether it is in the mirror or in the person standing in front of us, we are looking upon the light of the world.

Register to attend the Race Unity Devotional

December 15

Tuesday Evening Devotional

December 18

Friday Evening Devotional